Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Team.

Okay so I feel like there should be a picture on here. But I dont know how to put one up permenantly (any help from the wiz's in this area would be great...) so here are two pictures of the Kenya team (these aren't going to be in order, so it's like a little game for you where you can try to link up the names with's like a connect the dots/ pin the tail on a donkey shin dig....). Anyway these are the people going: Nat, Guz, Amit, Alex, Stu, Becca, Alanna and me. These pictures are after we won a broomball tournament at the QMO (Queen's Medical Outreach) retreat. The headbands say: "I heart Kenya". We're thinking of sporting them everyday in Kenya. pretty much the coolest ever.....

Alright and then here is a picture of me, cause I thought that it might be important to actually have a picture of this so-called 'Emily' ...purely for PR and the know how it goes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Entry Numero Uno

Soooooo.... here we go. This is my first dip into the world of blogging. I feel like there are certain pressures associated with this: 1) The blog homepage must be asthetically pleasing; 2) There must be a decent amount of comments from friends, family and randoms and (above all else) 3) I must be impecibly witty in all of my entries.....eek.
So this may or may not happen, but at least you'll be getting a little taste of what Kenya is like through my eyes.
Egad, a week from today I will be in Kenya. How weird. There is still soooooo much to do. 1. Figure out my future (i.e. what program stream I'm in), 2. Pack (so, I had a dream last night that I was at the airport to go to Kenya and I hadn't packed...hopefully this won't be the case on Sunday) and 3. forget, but trust, there's a list that's like 500 miles long.

Apparently I'm all about the lists. ('s the life sci influence....oh left brain.)

Anyway, I'd love to hear how you are all doing so please comment or email or whathaveyou.
